19th Kigali International Peace Marathon

The event is run in accordance with the World Athletics (W.A) technical rules 240 in Section VII on road races of 2020 in force from 1stNovember 2020, and the world athletics Rule 260.28 which are in harmony with theones of Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) and these of Rwanda Athletics Federation. The KIPM circuit complieswith detailed international criteria in order to be considered eligible in the top lists, marathons that provide Entry standards, World Rankings and World Records.

The Kigali International Peace Marathon 2022 was awarded a World Athletics Label after the positive assessment done by World Athletics on the previous editions’ organizations and how it’s organization meet detailed criteria and requirements specifically the respect of competition technical rules, the anti-doping rules, medical guidelines, timing system and results production.

To participate, the following are the requirements:

  1. In KIPM Participants of Full and Half Marathon must be over 22Years of age and must be checked before by the medical team,
  2. Participants in the Run for Peace under the age of 18 must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult;
  3. Participants must be in good health and physically prepared to take on the challenge of the race for which they are entered,
  4. Participants are required to wear an official marathon race number on the front of their jersey to participate in the Kigali International Peace Marathon;
  5. No individual vehicles, motorbikes or Bicycles are allowed on the course;
  6. Pet Animals, whether on lead or not are not allowed on the course;
  7. Personal trainers, mentors or coaches will not be allowed on the course unless they are entered in the event and wearing an official Marathon Race Number;
  8. No person shall under any circumstances run beside an athlete while he/she is taking refreshment or water, an athlete who collects refreshment from a place other than the refreshment stations renders him/herself liable to disqualification by the referees;
  9. Competitors are obliged to follow the instruction of steward, race officials or Rwanda traffic police at all times;
  10. Participants must start at the official start line and complete the full officially measured course;
  11. Participants must start the event at the officially sanctioned start time only

Fore registration and more information, visit the website below


9th Jun


BK Arena