Business of Conservation Conference

Business of Conservation Conference (BCC) aims to catalyse economic development in Africa through the sustainable utilisation of wildlife resources by convening influential leaders to collaborate in ways that promote and unlock the potential of Africa’s wildlife economy. It also aims to change the narrative about conservation to one where conservation and development are not seen as mutually exclusive, but are sustainably aligned and where conservation is recognised as being everyone’s business and an economic opportunity for the continent.

BCC is one of a series of events in the lead up to the 20th Kwita Izina, which this year has the theme of: “A legacy of community-centred conservation, securing a sustainable future for All”.

Despite decades of increasing the number of protected areas, we are still seeing a decline in biodiversity…there is a need for change and we have to change the way we think and talk about conservation. We need to change the narrative about conservation to one where conservation and development align and are not seen as mutually exclusive. We need to consistently include people in the conservation narrative and ensure that conservation is about protecting nature for people, not from people. The current threats to biodiversity and growing negative impacts of climate change have clearly illustrated the importance of nature to all – conservation is everyone’s business. BCC 2024 will look at how we can change the conservation narrative, including new and innovative approaches to ensure positive, sustainable change.

For more information, visit the website below


14th - 16th Oct


Kigali Convention Centre